Sunday, April 08, 2007

no cigar

travis is damn <3
together with my current favourite female singer KT Tunstall (who is incidentally also damn chio <3 <3),
have come up with an amazing song called Under the Moonlight, which is damn damn damn nice and pretty. i cant help but keep listening to it.

in response to the question indra (a former anti travis inquisitor) asked me quite awhile ago before he mysteriously became travis lover as well, "how can anybody like travis? muse and keane are damn nice and damn fast paced."

heres my response. life doesn't always go rocketing through everything. sometimes you have to slow down. step back and take a look at everything.

okae whatever. because they are just damn good.

this is an example of damn good.

No Cigar

I've got a lot of answers
For someone with no questions
I've got a lot of questions
But questions give you cancer

Oh, we've come so far
So close, but
No cigar

Our love is like a flower
It needs an april shower
I've been dying in the gutter
But not for very much longer

Oh, we've come so far So close, but
No cigar

The distance from
Here to there
Is greater than
Here from now ?


Oh, we've come so far
Oh, we've come so far
So close, but
No cigar

oh. how i laughed when i heard this. <3 style="font-style: italic;">

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